Leading With Emotions
In the day to day hustle and bustle the “9 to 5” gig, we’ve learned to check our emotions at the door. I worked for an organization that was strict about keeping business business and personal personal. This translated to don’t bring your personal(authentic self) to business. It was clear that emotions had no place in the business environment.
This is where many organizations begin to see a disconnect with employee engagement. Let’s think about it, If we can’t bring our emotions to work with us, we can’t be authentic. If we can’t be authentic at some point we tire of trying to fit into the organization. Many organizations and individuals don’t take the time to educate on emotional intelligence better known as EI.
Here are some questions to ponder on:
What do you know about EI?
Have you or do you surpress your emotions while in the workplace?
What do you do to regulate your emotions when they are elevated?
These are all questions that are discussed when I met with organizations wanting to bring culture change. Change starts from within, you have to be true to who and what you are. The learn how to be authentic and inclusive to create a sound organizational structure.